Chimpanzees Living in Zoos
Not all chimpanzees live
in their natural African habitats, free to move about
their territory in search of food and other chimpanzees.
About 500 chimpanzees live in zoos in the United States
alone. Some of the older chimpanzees in zoos today were
born in the wild and captured for sale. Wild caught zoo
chimpanzees are members of the "founder
population" or chimpanzees not related to any
chimpanzees already in zoos. The oldest chimpanzee in an
American Zoo is a female, Little Mama, who lives in Lion
Country Safari, West Palm Beach, Florida. Estimated to be
born in 1938, she is thought to be nearly seventy years
Chimpanzees that make up
the current zoo population are living longer than their
predecessors. The current mean age of zoo chimpanzees is
in the mid twenties. This low figure is due to a very high
infant mortality rate. Infants born today that survive
infancy can expect a longer life span because of an
accumulation of knowledge of chimpanzee care gained over
the past half century. They live in more natural and
suitable housing, their diet is designed to be nutritious
and appropriate for their digestive systems, and daily
enrichment objects and activities increase mental
stimulation while decreasing boredom, depression and

Randi with
Babyface Credit Rolling Hills Zoo
It is important for
people visiting zoos to remember that chimpanzees are
highly intelligent creatures capable of complex social
behaviors, such as tool use and tool making. Social, by
nature, chimpanzees suffer greatly when housed alone.
People watching chimpanzees in zoos are often surprised at
the similarity of chimpanzee bodies and behavior to their
own. When approaching or watching chimpanzees in zoos,
humans should respect their privacy, keeping their voices
low and refrain from loud boisterous behavior.
