Dr. Jane Goodall and The Jane Goodall Institute
The Jane Goodall
Institute has offices in the United States, Canada,
England, Holland, Germany, Austria, Taiwan, Tanzania,
Uganda, and South Africa. In addition, you may obtain more
information on Institute programs, such as Gombe Stream
Research Centre, ChimpanZoo, Roots and Shoots, TACARE and
Chimpanzee sanctuaries by contacting the Institute at the
following addresses:
The Jane
Goodall Institute | Global
the Jane Goodall Institute
| Global
BWB Secretarial Limited
10 Queen Street Place
London, EC4R 1BE
United Kingdom
Research, Education and Enrichment
BWB Secretarial Limited
10 Queen Street Place
London, EC4R 1BE
United Kingdom
ChimpanZoo Webmaster
I would like to thank Dr. Jane Goodall
for many years of work to understand, protect, conserve,
and help chimpanzees, people and the natural world. I
would also like to express my appreciation to Ms. Erica
Metelovski for her excellent work, tireless and cheerful
attitude through the long days working on this project.
I would like to also express my gratitude to Eric
Matthews for bringing the learning cards to life.
Virginia Landau, Ph.D.