Mike The Alpha Male

If two cans caused the
big dominant males to run off the path in front of him,
Mike reasoned that three cans would surely make an even
greater impression on them.
Mike began to
incorporate a third can in his "gasoline can
dribbling" display for dominance. Large high-ranking
males fled up the tree trunks when Mike began his descent
down the forest path slapping, kicking, and smacking three
cans in front of him! The other chimpanzees had never seen
or heard anything like it. It was as if the worst
thunderstorm had erupted and Mike was directing it toward
them. They shrieked and tried desperately to get away from
him and the terrible rattling and banging noise the cans
made as they flew down the hill in their direction. Not
wanting to fight with the unknown, the males of Mike's
community acquiesced. Mike became the first alpha male
ever to employ his brain rather than his brawn to govern
his community. One year after Mike began his unusual
display, he attained the position of alpha male.
Mike reigned as alpha
male over 14 adult males and vigorously maintained his
rank against their challenges. Eventually, an aggressive
adult male, Humphrey challenged Mike and in one decisive
fight, Mike was deposed. However, Mike will always be
remembered for his intelligent use of tools to frighten
his community members to get to the "top".